Verfügbarkeitssuche für Highland Safaris

4 Visitor Attraction
iKnow Scotland

Highland Safaris

Driving Experiences
nr Aberfeldy

Armed with cameras and binoculars, climb aboard your Land Rover with your kilted Safari Ranger and journey to the high tops through a land sculptured by the elements and steeped in history, culture, nature, and breath-taking views with no shortage of photo opportunities. You may even be lucky enough to see the Majestic Red Deer, the Famous Grouse, the elusive Mountain Hare or the soaring Golden Eagle as you travel through forests, mountains and moors on private hill tracks. Back at our Highland Safaris lodge, come face to face with Scotland's iconic Red Deer and meet our Barn Owl Ossian. Enjoy delicious home-made food in our cafe and pick up a souvenir in our gift shop.


Barrierefreier Park- oder Halteplatz
Barrierefreier Zugang

Auszeichnungen und Programme

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